Date/Day/Time | Agency | Activity | Download |
April 29, 2022 | 0900H to 1100H | Local Power Interruption |
LOCAL POWER INTERRUPTION Pullout of 1 unit 25kVA Distribution Transformer of Goldern Pacifica Resort in Barangay Dinahican. Affected Areas: Barangay Dinahican and part of Barangay Binulasan in Infanta, Quezon |
q2-04292022.pdf |
April 22, 2022 | 0900H to 1200H | Local Power Interruption |
For conversion of line assembly (Building construction ongoing with close range on primary line) Affected Areas: Malapad, Lubayat, and Pandan barangays of Real, Quezon |
q2-042222.pdf |
April 19, 2022 | 0001H to 0500H | NGCP | Lumban 50MVA Transformer for the Substation Corrective Maintenance Activities a. Urgent correction of hotspot at Phase Bsecondary bushing of 8XF01LMN |
Adjustment-LMN-T-QUEZELCO-II.pdf |
April 10, 2022/ 0700H to 1200H | NGCP | Line to be De-energized MTDA to conduct re-testing of OLTC in preparation for the transformer tap-changing as per transformer tap changer operating All works maybe finished ahead of time and power maybe restored earlier than scheduled, please consider our lines always energized. |
NOPSI-2022-03-004A.pdf |
Thursday, March 17, 2022 | 0900H to 1600H | Local Power Interruption | Relocation and Insertion of Poles on Thursday, March 17, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Affected areas are Pandan and part of Lubayat barangays in Real, Quezon. |
q2-031722.pdf |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | 0900H to 1200H | Local Power Interruption | Relocation of pole (Baarangay and BOD/Dir. Oliva's Request) on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Affected areas are part of Poblacion Bantilan, Catambungan, and Pinaglapatan barangays. |
q2-031622.pdf |
February 16, 2022 0600H to 0700H / 1700H to 1800H | NGCP | Lumban-Famy and Famy-Comon 69kV Line 0600H to 0700H Momentary interruption as per request of FLECO for the isolation of their Famy SS Substation for their uprating of 10MVA to 20MVA and Replacement of 69kV metering CT 1700H to 1800H Momentary interruption for the reconnection of FLECO Famy Substation after the completion of their uprating and replacement activities (Activities maybe finished ahead of time and momentary interruption may be adjusted earlier after the completion of activities) |
NOPSI-2022-02-001.pdf |
February 5, 2022/ 0600H to 1800H | NGCP | Famy-Comon 69kV Line b. lmplementation ol Woodpole Replacement Project along with the line c. Preventive Maintenance and Testing of associated high voltage equipment at Famy Load-End Station |
ngcp-020522.pdf |
December 11, 2021/ 0600H to 1800H | NGCP | This has reference to the scheduled shutdown of Lumban-Famy-Comon 69kV Line for the Sub-transmission Line and Substation Maintenance Activities on December 11, 2021. Please be informed that this scheduled power interruption will be deferred as per letter request of First Laguna Electric Cooperative, Inc. (FLECO) due to the on-going COVID-19 vaccination program of affected Local Government Units within their coverage area. |
Deferment-LFC-L-QUEZELCO-II.pdf |
December 11, 2021/ 0600H to 1800H | NGCP | Lumban-Famy 69kV Line a. Preventive/ Corrective Maintenance along 69kV Sub Transmission Line Famy-Comon 69kV Line a. Preventive/ Corrective Maintenance along 69kV Sub Transmission Line |
NOPSI-LF-L-12-001-QUE-II.pdf |